For 91 Days in Valencia

Adventures, anecdotes and advice from three months exploring Valencia

For 91 Days, we explored sunny Valencia, home of paella and the third-largest city in Spain. We already knew Valencia well… in fact it’s our adopted home, and is the place we return to whenever we’re taking a break from traveling. But for this special three-month period, we tried to see the city through the eyes of newcomers.
Whether you're planning your own journey to Valencia, or just interested in seeing what makes it our favorite city in the world, our articles and photographs should help you out.

Wake Up, Valencia

It's the last Sunday of February. You've purposefully forgotten to set your alarm clock, hoping to luxuriate a few extra minutes in the deep sleep of early morning. As you nestle in your comforter, drowsy as can be, Valencia looks upon your resting figure with a smile. But it's not a smile of maternal tenderness... in fact, it's more of a smirk. And then the explosions start.

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¡Hola Valencia!

Hey there, Valencia, did you miss us? After five years spent traveling the world, from Tokyo to Bolivia, from Iceland to Sri Lanka, we've returned to our adopted home. I'm from the US, and Jürgen is from Germany, but this Spanish city on the Mediterranean Sea is where we've decided to settle down. And it's about time we show the world why.

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