More Images from Fallas

Considering the sheer size of Fallas, and the length of time over which it extends, it's not too surprising that we snapped far more photographs of the festival than we could ever hope to publish. But here are some additional pictures which didn't quite fit into our other posts.

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The Illuminated Streets of Ruzafa

A major part of Fallas is its competitions. Paella championships, sports tournaments, fallera pageants, and of course the selection of the year's best monuments. But the most dazzling battle takes place on the streets of Ruzafa... or rather, above them. Every year, a few casales compete to erect the city's most mind-blowing streetlights.

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La Cridà: Ja Estem en Falles!

The last Sunday of February is a busy day in Valencia. It starts early with the despertà, which awakens the city with a bang. There are events throughout the day, including pilota matches, marching bands, and a mascletà in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. But Fallas doesn't officially begin until the evening, with the celebration of the Cridà.

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