The Exposition of Ninots

Before they're placed within their Falla, the best ninots from every Fallas commission are displayed in the annual Exposición del Ninot at the Museum of Science. Like so much at Fallas, this is a competition... and from the ninot's point of view, the prize is of utmost importance. The best one, as chosen by the general public, will be spared the flames of the Cremà.

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This Is Fallas

Every year, regular life in Valencia comes to a screeching halt, as the city gives itself over to Fallas: a spectacular celebration of art, light, noise and fire that runs from the end of February to March 19th. It's a festival unlike any other, and comprises so many different elements that we felt a concise explanation might in order. What is Fallas, exactly?

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La Cridà: Ja Estem en Falles!

The last Sunday of February is a busy day in Valencia. It starts early with the despertà, which awakens the city with a bang. There are events throughout the day, including pilota matches, marching bands, and a mascletà in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. But Fallas doesn't officially begin until the evening, with the celebration of the Cridà.

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Wake Up, Valencia

It's the last Sunday of February. You've purposefully forgotten to set your alarm clock, hoping to luxuriate a few extra minutes in the deep sleep of early morning. As you nestle in your comforter, drowsy as can be, Valencia looks upon your resting figure with a smile. But it's not a smile of maternal tenderness... in fact, it's more of a smirk. And then the explosions start.

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